Urban CLE is an extracurricular athletic swim program founded by Northeast Ohio natives designed to teach life-saving skills and developmental swim skills to all children in Euclid and surrounding suburbs. Our robust instructional swim program addresses the issue of drownings and provides developmental and competitive pathways to all children through a variety of multicultural and quality programming experiences. Classes are recommended for children ages 4+ and are based on the Red Cross Curriculum taught by experienced USA swimming competitive swimmers and Red Cross Certified Lifeguards.
Founder and Coach Eddis N. Singleton Jr
A former collegiate athlete and a two-time Olympic trial athlete (2008 and 2012), Eddis has coached swimming since 2017 in Northeast Ohio, impacting dozens of age groups, and high school and college athletes in his spare time. As part of his swimming career journey, Eddis was a 2x state qualifier and District Champion while at Shaw High School, a 3x national champion, 4x conference champion, and school record holder at Mount Union College. In 2008, he moved from Cleveland to North Carolina to train with the top USA Swimming Olympic athletes at SwimMAC. Eddis is a USA Swimming Certified Coach and has been a certified lifeguard for 23 years.
Registration is NOW OPEN for URBAN SWIM CLE classes for ages 4+ located at the Euclid High School Pool!
Learn-to-Swim classes begin the week of April 10th and lessons will take place weekly (1x a week) for 6 weeks at Euclid High School Pool on the following days:
Tuesday Evenings Thursday Evenings Saturday Early Afternoons
Fees are $50 per 6-week class
The deadline to register online is Sunday, April 9 by NOON (12pm)
Scan QR code below to learn more or email us at customerservice@urbanswimcle.com www.urbanswimcle.com