Gifted Service
Gifted Service Options
The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (ODEW) requires all public school districts to identify students who are gifted according to ODEW criteria. Once identified, the responsibility for providing services to gifted students is left to the decision of each local Board of Education. As a result, gifted services vary greatly from district to district in Ohio. Because we strive to meet the needs of all learners, the Euclid City School District takes its responsibility to identify and serve gifted students very seriously.
Euclid Schools is committed to providing a continuum of programs and services for all students. Gifted students may need curriculum modifications, acceleration, self-contained classes and/or enrichment. Instruction is differentiated to provide all students appropriate pacing and support necessary for advanced-level learning. The links to the right will guide you to additional information about gifted identification and services in our Euclid Schools.
Elementary students in first grade and fifth grade are given the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT3) for possible gifted identification in superior cognitive ability and creative thinking ability.
Students in second grade through eighth grade are screened with iReady Assessment and students in ninth grade and tenth grade are screened with NWEA MAP three times a year for possible gifted identification in the subject areas of math and reading. Additional assessment opportunities are available at the request of the parent/guardian.
The Euclid City Schools elementary gifted program is housed at Chardon Hills Elementary for students in grades two through five.
Principals Contact Information:
Arbor Elementary: Lawanda Prettyman
Office: 216-797-6201
Bluestone Elementary: Cherree Mason
Office: 216-797-6301
Chardon Hills STEM: Deana Stinchcomb
Office: 216-797-6401
Early Learning Village: Mary Thomas
Office: 216-797-4701
Euclid Middle School: Sherri Daniels
Office: 216-797-5301
Euclid High School: Corey Russell
Office: 216-797-7801
Shoreview Elementary: Shateema Walker
Office: 216-797-6501

Gifted Staff
Chardon Hills STEM School Gifted Staff
Second Grade: Julie Spohn
Third Grade: Nina Zuzek
Fourth Grade: Jennifer Redford
Fifth Grade: Jennifer Sklarek
Euclid Schools Gifted Education Contacts
Gifted Coordinator: Rachael Seifert
Curriculum Director: Becky Mamich
Gifted Documents
District Identification Policy & Service Plan
Parent Resources
Handbook for Parents of Gifted Children
The Young Gifted Child
National Association for Gifted Children
Ohio Association for Gifted Children
Hoagies' Gifted Education Page