Title I
Title I, Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. LEAs and schools use their Title I funds to improve student outcomes, including academic achievement.
Title I, Part A funds are distributed to school districts based on four distinct funding formulas as affected by census poverty data. Districts determine which eligible buildings are to participate based on federal requirements and local decisions. Targeted Assistance buildings must direct services to specific at-risk students above and beyond services provided by regular state and local resources. School wide buildings may use the funds for school-wide activities intended to improve outcomes across the building. The purpose of this funding is to provide supplemental funding to economically disadvantaged districts and some of their eligible schools for improving educational outcomes for students who are failing or at risk of failing to meet State standards.
In the Euclid City School District, our four Elementary Schools, the Middle School and High School all six schools are serviced as school-wide buildings. The major areas of focus for Title I programs are reading and mathematics. The major components of Title I Programs are comprehensive needs assessments, research-based strategies, data-driven decision making for improvement, professional learning, and parental involvement.
All Euclid City Schools receive Title I Funds and Services and are school-wide programing. These schools have a student population of 40% or above that are receiving free/reduced lunch. These schools typically are utilizing The Science of Reading and math supports to improve their students’ academic success. For more information regarding school-wide programs, please visit the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce website at http://education.ohio.gov.
Title I provides support and resources to schools; encourages the use of continuous assessment, data-driven decision-making and research based curriculum; and assists schools in creating the alignment of teacher training, scientifically based strategies, educational best practices, and instructional materials with State Curriculum Standards. Please reference the Euclid City School District’s Bylaws and Policy #2111 for Parent Involvement Policy and #2261.01 for Parent Participation in Title I Programs Policy.
The Euclid City School District uses Title I funds to provide Instructional Coaches who lead collaborative planning, professional development for teachers and help students as needed. It provides support teachers to work with the high need students in small groups in reading and math. The funds also provide Family Liaisons in the schools to help support family and student needs. At the Middle School and High School supports include extra Counseling and Freshman Seminar Classes. Funds can be used to purchase academic resources, host parent activities/meetings, and technology.
Parents are a child’s first teacher. Your involvement is an integral part of your child’s education! By taking an active role in your child’s school, parents show their children that they are valued, and that education is important. Listed below are ways that you can be involved in the education of your child:
Read to and with your child daily
Join the school PTA and be an actively involved member
Attend open houses, PTA meetings and parent involvement activities
Attend parent/teacher conferences
Communicate regularly with your child’s teacher
For more information on Title I Programming:
Contact your child’s school or
Ken Ferlito, Coordinator of Federal Programs
Parents are asked to review the compact. The compact is an agreement between the parents, student and the school to help ensure each child’s academic success. This acknowledges a shared commitment that all involved are going to work together to improve learning. This compact is available on the Euclid City School’s website.
Current Programming
Language Arts and Math Coaches at the Elementary Schools and Middle Schools.
Language Art and Math Tutors at the Elementary Schools
“First In Math” online service for all Elementary and Middle School students
Math Tutors using “Do The Math Now” curriculum at the Middle Schools
Language Art Tutors supporting the 100 Book Challenge at the Middle Schools
Family Liaisons at the Elementary Buildings
Parenting Partner Classes at the Elementary Schools and Middle Schools
Winter Family Nights at the Elementary Buildings
Parent Letter 2024-2025
Arbor Parent Compact 2024-2025
Bluestone Parent Compact 2024-2025
Chardon Hills Parent Compact 2024-2025
EHS Parent Compact 2024-2025
ELV Parent Compact 2024-2025
EMS Parent Compact 2024-2025
Shoreview Parent Compact 2024-2025