Registration & Forms
Thank you for choosing Euclid Schools for your child(ren)’s education! Our staff looks forward to working with you to help your students achieve success and thrive in our schools. Below you will find important information and links for registering your child in our district. Please follow the instructions carefully to ensure a smooth enrollment process.
Step 1 - Complete Registration using FinalForms
All new and returning students must complete the registration process through FinalForms. This system allows you to fill out, update, and submit all necessary registration forms electronically.
Step 2- Bring the following documents to the appointment:
Birth Certificate - A copy of the child’s birth certificate, passport, or equivalent
Parent/Guardian Identification - Ohio driver’s license or photo identification card
Record of all required immunizations (Are these records up to date?)
Proofs of Residency in school district (Choose only one)
A current (less than 90 days old) utility bill.
The utility (electric, gas, water, sewer, cable/internet) bill MUST SHOW MATCHING SERVICE AND MAILING ADDRESS in the name of the parent/guardian. Post office boxes and cell phone bills have no service address and therefore are not accepted.
A monthly mortgage statement (less than 90 days old) OR lease/rental agreement (signed by lessee and lessor) AND a current business piece of business type mail (examples: pay stub, bank statement, insurance statement, car payment statement, cell phone bill, etc.) with parent/guardian’s name and address. The document may be an electronic statement.
If the student’s parent/guardian has no utilities in his/her name, then the parent/guardian must provide all three (3) of the following:
A signed and notarized statement from the person (i.e., third party) with whom the parent/guardian and the student live or from whom they rent that confirms that they reside at the address. (Template provided by Euclid Schools). This letter must be from the third party, not the parent/guardian AND
A copy of a current utility bill in the name of that third party, AND
A copy of a piece of current business type mail in the name of the parent/guardian. Business mail would be items such as: pay stubs, car notes, car insurance, monthly bank statements, or official documents from a government agency. The document may be an electronic statement, but it must be a business with which the parent/guardian is currently doing regular business (dated within the last 90 days).
NO credit card solicitations or service set-up work orders will be accepted. NOTHING HANDWRITTEN.
Custody Papers, if applicable- Court documents (certified copy) required, as follows:
Divorce – Divorce decree (must establish residential parent for schooling purposes
Custody – Journal entry from Juvenile Court
Guardianship – Letter of Guardianship from Probate Court
School Records
Report card from previous school
Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan, Evaluation Team Report (ETR) if student received Special Education services in previous school
If your child is coming from another school you will need a "Withdrawal Form" from that school.
Kindergarten Registration
Children must be 5 years old by September 30th to be eligible for Kindergarten.
Help with Registration
If you need assistance completing the registration process or have any questions, please contact our Registration Office at:
Phone: 216-797-2923
Questions Regarding Preschool? Please contact Diane Iosue 216-797-4787
Please enter the Fordyce parking lot off of Westport Ave, just north of the High School. The address to Fordyce is 651 E. 222nd St. Euclid, OH 44123. Parking for visitors and those registering their child/ren is in the center of the main parking lot. Please enter through the main entrance at the inside corner of the building. Please call us at (216) 797-2933 if you need assistance with entering the building.

Registration Hours
Monday: 11:30am - 4:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 3:00pm
(216) 797-2933
651 E. 222nd St.
Euclid, OH 44123
Registration Forms
Helpful Resources