Curriculum Adoption
K-5 Math Curriculum - Community Feedback
Euclid Schools invite you to preview the top options for a new K-5 Math curriculum resource for the 2024-2025 school year. The K-5 Math Curriculum Adoption Committee was established in November of the 2023-2024 school year and is composed of administrators, general education teachers, and intervention specialists from all five elementary buildings in the district. Throughout the year, the committee has met to review potential programs, meet with publishing companies, participate in product presentations, and pilot selected programs to ensure that the curriculum is aligned to the Ohio learning standards and meets the needs of our students and staff. Following the review of each resource, collected information, data, and student and staff feedback, the committee has advanced enVision Mathematics (2024) by Savvas for grades 1-5, and Bridges in Mathematics Third Edition by The Math Learning Center for Kindergarten.
The committee is currently collecting parent, guardian, and community feedback. Curriculum materials will be on display in the Fordyce building lobby from Monday, April 22nd through Tuesday, April 30th for the community to review. There is a survey linked below that parents, guardians, and community members can complete following a review of the materials. The community survey data will be reviewed prior to the final recommendation to the Board of Education.
Links to curriculum websites and demo account access, if applicable, can be found below.
Savvas - Grades: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th.
Take an Interactive Tour
Demo Account
Username: Realize@EnvisionMath24
Password: Vote4Savvas
The Math Learning Center - Grade: Kindergarten
Bridges in Mathematics 3rd Edition
Number Corner
A summary of the philosophy, assumptions, and expectations inherent in Bridges in Mathematics
Please use the Google Form to provide feedback prior to our final recommendation to the Board of Education. Please email the Curriculum Department at if you have any questions.
Thank you for your support!