Attendance & Residency Coordinator
216 797-2941
Attendance & Residency
The Euclid Schools, along with many partners, is committed to increasing student attendance, engagement and academic achievement. We know that student success and achievement starts with attendance and engaged learning. The District's collective effort encompasses the state's strategic priorities along with the assistance of experts and programs like the Cleveland Browns Stay in the Game! Network and Harvard's Proving Ground. Attendance is a critical concern: students need to be present to engage with learning as student attendance directly impacts student achievement and graduation. Chronic absenteeism, defined as students missing 10% or more of school hours due to absence of any reason, can lead to younger students struggling with learning to read by third grade, decreased achievement in middle school and difficulty graduating high school.
How to report a student absence?
If your student is ill and will not be at school, please contact the clinic at your student's school:
Euclid High School - 216.797.7824
Euclid Middle School - 216.797.5353
Arbor Elementary - 216.797.6276
Bluestone Elementary -216.797.6377
Chardon Hills STEM - 216.797.6478
Shoreview Elementary - 216.797.6576
Early Learning Village - 216.797.4705
Memorial Options Center - 216.732.2700
Definition of Truancy and Excessive Absences*
Definition of "truant"
Absent 30 or more consecutive hours without a legitimate excuse (5 days for both elementary and secondary);
Absent 42 or more hours in one school month without a legitimate excuse (7 days for elementary, 6 days for secondary) ;
Absent 72 or more hours in one school year without a legitimate excuse (12 for elementary, 11 for secondary);
Definition of “excessive absences”
Absent 38 or more hours in one school month with or without a legitimate excuse (7 days for elementary, 6 days for secondary);
Absent 65 or more hours in one school year with or without a legitimate excuse (11 days for elementary, 10 days for secondary)
Definition of “chronic absenteeism”
Absent 92 or more hours with or without a legitimate excuse (16 days or elementary, 14 days for secondary)
*Notifications to the family will be sent prior to the triggering absences above through Infinite Campus messages.
Helpful Links

Jerimie Acree
Erik Hooks
Residency Specialist
216 797-2941