TOMORROW is the last day for a chance to win a PIZZA LUNCH with your VIP! If you do not have the raffle ticket form, students can bring their money tomorrow and fill the raffle tickets out in school. Thank you for your support!
over 1 year ago, Shoreview Elementary
PICTURE DAY- Monday October 16th. Students received information today check your child's book bag for the flier.
over 1 year ago, Shoreview Elementary
picture day
LUNCH with a Shoreview V.I.P. The PBIS committee is raising money for future Best Behavior Bonuses. Information/raffle tickets and an envelope to return money and tickets to school is being sent home this week. Raffle tickets are $1.00 each or $5.00 for 6 tickets. Students will fill out the ticket and circle the NAME of the VIP they hope to eat with and return to school in the envelope. More tickets can be requested. Drawing will be October 2nd the VIP/PIZZA lunch will be October 4th.
over 1 year ago, Shoreview Elementary
LUNCH with a Shoreview V.I.P. The PBIS committee is raising money for future Best Behavior Bonuses. Information/raffle tickets and an envelope to return money and tickets to school is being sent home this week. Raffle tickets are $1.00 each or $5.00 for 6 tickets. Students will fill out the ticket and circle the NAME of the VIP they hope to eat with and return to school in the envelope. More tickets can be requested. Drawing will be October 2nd the VIP/PIZZA lunch will be October 4th.
SAVE THE DATE...this event is always a favorite for our community.
over 1 year ago, Shoreview Elementary
Trick or Treat
Tomorrow, September 21st is our annual Father’s Walk to school day! We invite all dads, grandpas, uncles, or anyone who is a father figure in one of our student’s lives to walk their child to school tomorrow. If you are able, we would greatly enjoy if you stayed and had breakfast with your kids on us! What a great way to start their day knowing their family supports their education!
over 1 year ago, Shoreview Elementary
Father's walk
LUNCH with a Shoreview V.I.P. The PBIS committee is raising money for future Best Behavior Bonuses. Information/raffle tickets and an envelope to return money and tickets to school is being sent home this week. Raffle tickets are $1.00 each or $5.00 for 6 tickets. Students will fill out the ticket and circle the NAME of the VIP they hope to eat with and return to school in the envelope. More tickets can be requested. Drawing will be October 2nd the VIP/PIZZA lunch will be October 4th.
over 1 year ago, Shoreview Elementary
The Annual Father’s Walk will take place on Thursday, September 21, 2023 we will have refreshments for students and their fathers in the gymnasium in the morning. Father's and children will enter through the main school door. We appreciate being on time and for participating in this day with your child. 7:45-8:00am
over 1 year ago, Laura Grosel
Father Walk
Many have inquired about school spirit wear so attached is a Link to purchase Euclid Spirit Wear You can also navigate through the link to SHOREVIEW ELEMENTARY Family Sports on 185th WILL typically have a decent selection of Euclid gear and are a bit more modestly priced than Sideline Sports.
over 1 year ago, Shoreview Elementary
Spirit wear
Please like and share with family and friends. Our school site provides important information to help parents/families stay informed and updated. We also like to showcase and brag about the amazing teaching and learning that is being done at Shoreview.
over 1 year ago, Shoreview Elementary
Social media
Tomorrow will will honor all our 9/11 heros. The link provided is the video students viewed to teach about Patriot Day.
over 1 year ago, Shoreview Elementary
Thinking ahead to September 11, 2023
over 1 year ago, Shoreview Elementary
We hope that all of Euclid students, families and staff have a nice long weekend in observance of Labor Day. #OneEuclid
over 1 year ago, Euclid Schools
No School September 4th
Next week is Attendance Week! Student success starts with attendance and engaged learning and that’s what next week is all about! The Euclid Schools have partnered with The Cleveland Browns Foundation to help our Students “Stay in the Game” and to “Keep Learning, Every Day.” in order to prioritize attendance and tackle chronic absenteeism. To help get our Euclid Students motivated and excited about attendance, we ask that our families participate in our Attendance Spirit Week. Check out the themes for each day. #OneEuclid #EveryStudentEveryLessonEveryDay
over 1 year ago, Euclid Schools
SITG Attendance Week - Elementary Schools
September is attendance awareness month. More information will be shared with students daily on WHY it is important to be in school and be on time! Parents, students and staff will continue to work together to show the Euclid community we are a TEAM!
over 1 year ago, Shoreview Elementary
Stay in the GAme
Attention all fourth and fifth grade musicians!!! We want you to be a part of our band and orchestra! If you were unable to attend the Recruitment Meeting, please email Lessons start the week of September 11th. We can't wait to meet you!
over 1 year ago, Shoreview Elementary
FRIDAY will be BROWNS SPIRIT DAY as we are reminded that ATTENDANCE + ENGAGEMENT = SUCCESS Student success starts with attendance and engaged learning, either in person or remotely. Students who are absent from school or remote education experiences miss important learning opportunities, which can be difficult, or even impossible, to make up. The mission of the Stay in the Game! Keep Learning, Every Day Network (the Stay in the Game! Network) is to prioritize attendance by connecting its users to resources aimed at tackling chronic absenteeism. The Cleveland Browns Foundation, Ohio Department of Education, and Proving Ground are deeply committed to this mission. The Stay in the Game! Network is an adaptation of Get 2 School, Stay in the Game! Network. The name change reflects the current environment where schools may not necessarily be able to host in-school learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. No matter the circumstances, the Network will continue to encourage students to maintain a strong educational-going mindset and keep learning, every day.
over 1 year ago, Shoreview Elementary
Reminder for all parents. as we begin the new year. Shoreview School doors open at 7:45 am. ALL students may enter the building then and proceed to breakfast OR to CLASS. Students are expected to be in class ready to begin the day at 8:00am. If not in at seat at 8:00...will be marked late. BREAKFAST is 7:45-7:55. It is crucial your child is at school and on time daily.
over 1 year ago, Shoreview Elementary
Attention parents, The Beginning Band and Strings Information Meeting will take place on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will take place in the middle school cafeteria. Upon arrival please use Door 22.
over 1 year ago, Shoreview Elementary
OPEN HOUSE~ Meet our new school administrators, Dr. Donisha Bailey and Ms Felicia Curtain on Thursday, August 24th in the school cafeteria. They will have a short welcome and presentation beginning at 5:15. The students will then walk their families to meet their amazing teachers. Kona Ice will be in the front of the school where you can purchase a refreshing item. 20% of the proceeds will go directly to our school. Our staff has prepared a few exciting activities to share with everyone too!
over 1 year ago, Shoreview Elementary
Welcome to our new Kindergarten students and families! We look forward to a spectacular year together! Oneeuclid💙💛
over 1 year ago, Shoreview Elementary