We look forward to welcoming our Kindergarten students and families back to school this week. Please look at the schedule that was provided during Kindergarten Screening.
SPREAD the word to all Shoreview families and community members....We. WELCOME you to join our social media platforms to keep informed, updated and wowed with the amazing things happening at our school. #oneeuclid
Shoreview is starting the year off strong with students being present and ontime! Keep up the great job Shoreview families. #ONEEUCLID
SAVE THE DATE~ August 24th Shoreview Open House Rumour has it KONA ICE will be stopping by the school. More info to come.
Shoreview Elementary is excited to introduce our new administrators for the 2023-2024 school year. Welcome to our principal, Dr. Donisha Bailey and Assistant Principal, Ms. Felicia Curtain. They were thrilled to meet so many students today and look forward to building a partnership with our Shoreview Families.
As you prepare for the first day of school this evening, please double-check your Infinite Campus Parent Portal this evening to make sure you know when to get your student to their bus stop, help your student prepare to meet their teacher and view any messages from your principal
For our Elementary families, please remember that the school day instruction starts at 8:00 AM.
At the Middle School tomorrow, Mr. Mennel and the staff will welcome back 6th Grade students only.
The Freshman Class will begin the first day of their High School careers tomorrow with Mr. Russel and the High School staff.
Please make sure you’re checking your email and Infinite Campus parent portal often so you don’t miss any information throughout the year from your school and from the district.
We are looking forward to seeing your families, but most importantly your children at school this week. Wishing everyone a fabulous school year!
It is officially time to head back to school! We are eagerly anticipating students arrival filling the halls with smiling faces! School starts on Tuesday, August 15th. Find out arrival times by visiting the link below. We look forward to seeing our students on Tuesday! https://www.euclidschools.org/article/1193258
Parent Portal information for INFINITE CAMPUS-
If you are unable to log in to IC to find your child's teacher, there will be plenty of staff members to assist your child with locating their teacher and classroom on Tuesday. We will navigate through this together like EVERYTHING we do in education! Teamwork...looking forward to seeing the students on Tuesday, August 15 at 7:45.
Stop by our Back to School Bash tomorrow at the Euclid Middle School from 10 am - 2pm for free school supplies, schedule immunizations and learn more about resources we offer our students. You won't want to miss it! #OneEuclid
Kick-off the start of the new school year with us at our Back to School Bash on Saturday. Meet us at the Middle School from 10am - 2pm to learn about the resources we offer our families and receive free school supplies. #OneEuclid
SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P4k6Zl_VfwNDJOI3fOQ0eAQle9bniyD_/edit?usp=sharing_eil_m&rtpof=true&sd=true&ts=64d3b158
Join us on Saturday, August 12th at the Euclid Middle School for our Back to School Bash! Stop by for free school supplies, schedule immunizations and learn more about resources we offer our students. #OneEuclid
We're hiring! We will be hosting virtual interviews this Thursday for Paraprofessionals. Scan the QR code below or visit https://www.applitrack.com/euclid/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Support+Staff to apply. Applications must be submitted by August 1st. Come join the team!
Shoreview Families....we look forward to seeing you soon. Keep an eye out for more information about the return to the 2023-2024 school year.
Sign up for FREE summer camp at Shoreview Elementary this Summer! The Boys & Girls Club of Northeast Ohio will be running the camp from June 20-August 4th, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Career Day 2023
O Day Tomorrow
Reminder...TOMORROW is the Shoreview Family Skating Party! Adults must stay with their children. Hope to see many families at United Skates of America in Wickliffe.
Shoreview Fashion Show SPONSORED BY THE PTA
May 1st was National Principal's Day...We are lucky to have 2 of the best at Shoreview.