At Euclid High School, the Panther Pride Club is making a meaningful difference this holiday season with a heartwarming and sustainable initiative. Since the beginning of December, these dedicated students have been collecting previously loved plushies, giving them new life, and preparing them for donation to children who want or need a comforting companion.
This service project, inspired by a story about the company “Loved Before,” combines research, sustainability, and community service. The students have been learning how to properly clean and disinfect plushies, putting their knowledge into action using the washer and dryer in their classroom. Their hands-on work not only ensures the plushies are safe and refreshed but also highlights the importance of sustainability by keeping these once-loved toys out of landfills.
The Panther Pride Club’s first donation will be made to the Early Learning Village, where the plushies will be handed out to young children. This effort was made possible by generous donations from teachers and friends of Euclid High School, demonstrating the power of community collaboration.
“We want these toys to bring comfort and joy to children,” said a Panther Pride Club member, “while also promoting sustainability. It feels good knowing we’re helping the environment and brightening a child’s day.”
The Panther Pride Club’s initiative embodies the true spirit of the season, showing that small actions can create a ripple of kindness and care. Thank you to everyone who donated and supported this remarkable effort to spread joy and promote sustainability in our community!