Reminder for all parents. as we begin the new year. Shoreview School doors open at 7:45 am. ALL students may enter the building then and proceed to breakfast OR to CLASS. Students are expected to be in class ready to begin the day at 8:00am. If not in at seat at 8:00...will be marked late. ALL students are provided BREAKFAST but must arrive on time as it is served from 7:45-7:55. It is crucial your child is at school and on time daily.

Parents can log in to their child's Infinite Campus account to get information for the new school year. Please make sure you UPDATE ALL information especially cell phone numbers and contact information.
If you are unsure how to navigate through IC, log into the EUCLID CITY SCHOOL website and there is a link that will take you step by step.

Back to School Bash- SATURDAY, AUGUST 10th

Academic Calendar - The official Calendar for the 2024-2025 School Year

DISTRICT SCHOOL SCHEDULES- Please remember the importance of being present and on time to school.

Welcome Back letter from Mr. Christopher Papouras.
Open QR code for new information and IMPORTANT links for the 2024-2025 school year. PLEASE share with family and friends to help keep all our EUCLID FAMILIES updated! THANK YOU!

Greetings from Mrs. Shateema Walker....


2024-2025 School Year begins soon........

Please support their business where possible!
Herbert Webster- Owner, Baddest Bladez Barbershop Euclid
Karen Siat Lauria- EHS Alumni- Owner of Sparkle & Shine Make-up Studio,Mentor
Pe’tlyn Pruitt- Child Author Lori’s 1st Day at a New School- available on Amazon
Lashelle Jefferson- Aunt of 1st grade student- Social Worker
Erik Hill- 1st grade parent Registered Behavioral Technician
Dashana Lewis- Parent 4th grade student- Phlebotomist
Tony Fisher- EHS Alumni- Former NFL/EHS Athletic Director
Harold Colstton- Parent Financial Advisor- Equitable Advisors
Sarah Keller- EHS Teacher- Exercise Science Instructor
Dr Josh Stephens- EHS Teacher Urban Agriculture
Gabrielle Kelly-Euclid School Board Member- Lawyer
Ryan Brzeckoski- Nuclear Fuel Service Inc. Welding Technology Specialist BWXT
Patrick Behm- 1st grade parent - Firefighter Willoughby Hills/Maple Hts.
EFD- :Brian Caimi, Adam Reichman, Dave Engeman, Stephen Anderson
Theresa Zele- Howard Hanna Real Estate-Mentor office
Aaron Parker- Owner, Parker Fotos Euclid
Kierra Cotten- EHS Alumni- WKYC News reporter
Alya McMillian- EHS student- Entrepreneun/ Owner Lay’s Lemonade & Snack Shop
Devaughn Jones- Owner Playmobile gaming
Kendra Moore- Parent- Owner Kenz N Kubbies, Euclid
Kellie Korzunowski- Athletic Trainer- Lake Erie College
Matt Frieden- EHS Alumi/3rd grade parent- Filmmaker and Video Engineer
Brittany Frieden-EHS Alumni/ Parent Pulmonary Specialist
Pete Pruitt- Owner,Peter James Development & Independent Living, Inc.
Sargent Pamela Opool-Family member of student-USM Marines
Cheryl Opool- Family member - United States Air Force
Val Woods, Kurt & Kyle Woods- EHS Alumni- Owner of Val Woods CPR LLC
Thank you Mrs Grosel for planning this event for our School Community.

Lots of exciting things happening the last week of school. We are hopeful each student will participate in some way to support our PTA fundraising efforts. We have raised around $2500 thus far and are hopeful more parents will send in even $1.00 so all students can participate.
Dress appropriately for the weather Monday and Tuesday for outside activities! Tuesday is FIELD DAY!!!!

Lots of exciting things happening the last week of school. We are hopeful each student will participate in some way to support our PTA fundraising efforts.

We are excited to welcome Herbert Webster to our school for Career Day. He will be demonstrating his talents as a barber with a few of our students. Please support our Euclid business as he is always supporting our school community.

Kona Ice will be here again as we celebrate the end of the year festivities! Shoreview is excited to support a EHS grade and her business. #oneeuclid

One of our very BEST will be retiring! Mrs Klein has inspired and loved over 650 students in her 34 years of teaching! Those are truly some lucky ducks! Thank you for your dedication to our EUCLID students. You will be missed!

Tomorrow is G Day for GAME DAY! Bring your favorite board or card game to school. Students can also wear their athletic jerseys/t-shirts for game day as well.

Another local Euclid company supporting our school for Career Day! Southern Enterprise School of the Arts....thank you for volunteering to present on May 16th. We appreciate your participation in inspiring ournShoreview students.

Student Council sponsored Earth Day Upcycled Art projects

Earth Day Upcycled Art

Shoreview Career Day is May 16th. Please support Parkerfotos Photography as they have volunteered to present to our students. Looking. forward to learning some cool things about photography!
Aaron Parker | Photographer
Parkerfotos Photography
291 E. 222nd St., Studio 257
Euclid, Ohio 44123
Office: +1 (216) 307-4459