almost 2 years ago, Shoreview Elementary
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
PTA MEETING- All are welcome to attend the tonight's meeting in the library.
almost 2 years ago, Shoreview Elementary
PTA MEETING- All are welcome to attend the meeting in the library.
Shoreview Valentine's Day Family Dance This FRIDAY, February 10th 7:00-8:30pm Parent must accompany student. $5.00/family
almost 2 years ago, Shoreview Elementary
Valentine Dance
Shoreview Family Newsletter
almost 2 years ago, Shoreview Elementary
Shoreview Family Newsletter
Shoreview Family Newsletter
Shoreview Family Newsletter
Preparing for Black History Month Art displays! The 5th grade students are creating the most authentic and beautiful African mask! #oneeuclid💙💛
about 2 years ago, Shoreview Elementary
Preparing for Black History Month Art displays! The 5th grade students are creating the most authentic and beautiful African mask! #oneeuclid💙💛
Preparing for Black History Month Art displays! The 5th grade students are creating the most authentic and beautiful African mask! #oneeuclid💙💛
Preparing for Black History Month Art displays! The 5th grade students are creating the most authentic and beautiful African mask! #oneeuclid💙💛
Preparing for Black History Month Art displays! The 5th grade students are creating the most authentic and beautiful African mask! #oneeuclid💙💛
Shoreview Family Newsletter- January 29, 2023
about 2 years ago, Shoreview Elementary
Shoreview Family Newsletter
Shoreview Family Newsletter
Shoreview Family Newsletter
Community members from Euclid volunteered to come into Shoreview to read to some classes! Thank you…. Tara Hannum (Councilperson) Kristen Holzheimer-Gail (Mayor of Euclid) Patrick Grogan-Myers (Director of Planning and Development) Scott Meyer (Chief of Police) Mitch Houser (Captain of Police) Dave Hall (Veteran) Laura Grosel (teacher) Kaila Gentis (teacher)
about 2 years ago, Shoreview Elementary
Community members from Euclid volunteered to come into Shoreview to read to some classes! Thank you….  Tara Hannum (Councilperson) Kristen Holzheimer-Gail (Mayor of Euclid) Patrick Grogan-Myers (Director of Planning and Development) Scott Meyer (Chief of Police) Mitch Houser (Captain of Police) Dave Hall (Veteran) Laura Grosel (teacher) Kaila Gentis (teacher)
Community members from Euclid volunteered to come into Shoreview to read to some classes! Thank you….  Tara Hannum (Councilperson) Kristen Holzheimer-Gail (Mayor of Euclid) Patrick Grogan-Myers (Director of Planning and Development) Scott Meyer (Chief of Police) Mitch Houser (Captain of Police) Dave Hall (Veteran) Laura Grosel (teacher) Kaila Gentis (teacher)
Community members from Euclid volunteered to come into Shoreview to read to some classes! Thank you….  Tara Hannum (Councilperson) Kristen Holzheimer-Gail (Mayor of Euclid) Patrick Grogan-Myers (Director of Planning and Development) Scott Meyer (Chief of Police) Mitch Houser (Captain of Police) Dave Hall (Veteran) Laura Grosel (teacher) Kaila Gentis (teacher)
Good Morning Shoreview....starting off the day with cereal and milk for breakfast. Thanks to our cafeteria staff for serving and to our teachers for helping all students that wish to eat breakfast before the start of the day.
about 2 years ago, Shoreview Elementary
Good Morning!
Good Morning!
Good Morning!
Good Morning!
Shoreview Family Newsletter
about 2 years ago, Shoreview Elementary
Shoreview Family Newsletter
Shoreview Family Newsletter
SAVE THE DATE- Shoreview Valentine Dance
about 2 years ago, Shoreview Elementary
Valentine Dance
AAU Basketball Tryouts
about 2 years ago, Shoreview Elementary
Basketball information
Today we celebrate the legacy of the great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smEqnnklfYs
about 2 years ago, Dominick Ferlito
Martin Luther King Jr. Statue with American Flag
A reminder that there is NO SCHOOL tomorrow, January 16th, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with some of our suggested events: https://www.euclidschools.org/article/962246
about 2 years ago, Euclid Schools
Reminder, No school tomorrow in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Lots to celebrate in our 1st week back to school. Congratulations to our students of the week and our Euclid Pride winners. .#ONEEUCLID 💙💛
about 2 years ago, Shoreview Elementary
Panther Pride Award
Panther Pride Award
PantherPride Award
Panther Pride Award
Tonight's Board of Education Meeting has been moved to the Euclid High School Auditorium. For more information, follow the link here: https://www.euclidschools.org/article/959030
about 2 years ago, Euclid Schools
Board Meeting Parking 1/11/2023
Calling all Euclid Schools Families! On February 13th the Cleveland Cavaliers will host a Euclid City Schools Night as they take on the San Antonio Spurs. Purchase tickets using the link below to gain access to the Cavs Early Entry Warm-Ups Experience; where families will get to sit near the court while players warm-up. https://pa.exchange/marketplace/efe4839e-7004-11ed-a3e5-21cd121b366b/storefront/24f5d542-7005-11ed-bced-8b1a6e1effc3/event/aba673a2-27a4-11ed-983d-95d534ea2818/tickets
about 2 years ago, Euclid Schools
Cavs Night
about 2 years ago, Shoreview Elementary
Tis the season....TOMORROW is the last day of school before WINTER VACATION. It is also PJ DAY!!!
about 2 years ago, Shoreview Elementary
Tis the Season....
Santa Claus is coming to town tomorrow! Join us at Euclid High tomorrow morning for our Breakfast with Santa holiday event!
about 2 years ago, Chelsea Blaha
Breakfast with Santa
Christmas Spirit Week starts TOMORROW.
about 2 years ago, Shoreview Elementary
Christmas Spirit Week starts TOMORROW.