Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports

What is PBIS?
PBIS is an approach we use to establish the behavioral supports and social culture needed for all students to achieve social, emotional, and academic success. PBIS applies a three-tiered system of support and a problem-solving process to enhance the capacity of Central Middle School to effectively educate all students.
PBIS has been shown to be effective in:
Reducing discipline problems
Improving overall academic outcomes
Reducing bullying behavior
Improving social/emotional competence.
The three behavior expectations at Euclid Middle School are:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Engaged
These expectations are taught to all students throughout the school year. There are rules and procedures for all areas of the building. Many of them can be found on the Euclid Middle School behavior matrix below.

How are students acknowledged for appropriate behavior at Euclid Middle School?
Students are rewarded for following the behavior expectations in several ways:
Panther Points are digitally awarded to students for displaying positive behavior in class. Points can be redeemed for items in the Panther Shop.
Teachers submit positive referrals for students who display positive behaviors in class and common areas.
Referral-free events called Panther Pride Days (see below)
What happens when students demonstrate challenging behavior?
Teachers utilize proactive strategies in order to minimize the number of behavior errors. These strategies include reviewing behavior expectations, establishing classroom routines and procedures, pre-correcting students before infractions occur, and establishing positive relationships with students.
When behavior infractions do occur, teachers are encouraged to use a continuum of consequences, including, but not limited to, the following:
Restorative conversations
Non-verbal cues
Loss of privilege
Parent contact
Written apology.
The Behavior Management Flowchart below provides more information on the process and procedures for handling behavior errors at Euclid Middle School.
Behaviors which may result in an office discipline referral are defined in the chart below.
Behavior | Definition |
Bullying/Harassment | Any intentional written, verbal, electronic, or physical act that a student or group of students exhibits toward another particular student(s) more than once and the behavior causes either mental or physical harm and is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for the other student(s); or violence within a dating relationship. |
Academic Dishonesty | Any form of dishonesty including cheating and/or plagiarism on school assignments. |
Excessive Tardy | Any unauthorized absence from class extending past 10 minutes. |
Disrespect/Defiance/ Noncompliance | Ignoring adult requests or responding to a request in a manner that shows a lack of courtesy. |
Disruption | Any behaviors which detract from a teacher’s ability to teach or a student’s ability to learn. |
Dress Code Violation | Student’s appearance does not fit the EHS dress code policy |
Electronic Device/Technology Violation | Student uses a technological device in a manner not consistent with classroom/school guidelines. |
Falsification | Attempts to change, modify, or misrepresent records, including, but not limited to, hall passes, absence excuses, documents or materials used in daily operations; sharing false information; not properly identifying oneself to school personnel. |
Fighting/Assault/Threat | Physical contact between two students to cause intentional harm or talking about a plan or threatening to do the same. |
Gambling | Students participating in any form of betting or games of chance. |
Inappropriate Language | Using profanity or vulgarity in any form, including spoken or written words, pictures, text messages, and gestures. |
Inappropriate Sexual Contact | Participating in or requesting any form of sexual contact, or inappropriately touching another student. This involves consensual and non-consensual behavior. |
Pass Abuse | Using a hall pass in an inappropriate way |
Possession of Alcohol/Drugs | Student is in possession of or uses alcohol or illegal drugs |
Reckless Behavior | Student engages in low-intensity but inappropriate disruptive behavior. |
Tardy to Class | Student arrives in class after the bell has rung. |
Theft | Stealing another’s property and/or being in the possession of another’s property without permission. |
Vandalism | Student participates in an activity that causes or attempts to cause damage, defacement, or destruction of private or school property. |
Weapons | Student is in possession of any weapon, explosive, or object resembling a weapon or being used as a weapon, that could cause harm to others. |
What special events are planned for students?
The following events have been planned to reward students for positive behavior:
Events |
PBIS Kick-Off Event and Lessons for the Whole School |
Q1 Panther Pride Day for All Referral-Free Students |
Q2 Panther Pride Day for All Referral-Free Students |
Q3 Panther Pride Day for All Referral-Free Students |
Field Day with Special Activities/Events for Referral-Free Students |
How can parents get involved?
Parents are welcome and encouraged to assist with PBIS implementation at Euclid Middle School. Some ways parents can get involved are:
Serve as a representative on the PBIS team
Assist with events
Discuss school-wide expectations with your student at home
Assist with developing community partnerships.
How do I get help if my child is struggling with behavior?
Despite our best efforts, students sometimes engage in negative behavior. If your student has received one or more office discipline referrals, and you are concerned about his/her behavior, please contact one of the staff members listed below. They are eager to help and are equipped to provide the necessary support for your student to be successful.
You can also fill out a referral form to determine if your child needs intervention from the PBIS Tier II team. The link for the referral is below:
School Counselors
Jan Scott 7th Grade | 216-797-7813 |
Paula DeMell 8th Grade | 216-797-5308 |
Vanessa Ayers 6th Grade | 216-797-5309 |
Tina Sternot College & Career Counselor | 216-797-5309 |
Family Liaison
Ashley Oliver | 216-797-5327 |
School Psychologist
Wendy Ley | wley@euclidschools.org 216-797-5326 |
Health Monitor
Evelyn Johnson | 216-797-5353 |
Mental Health Therapist/Community Partner
Bellefaire JCB | Contact the school office at 216-797-5300 |
Whom do I contact?
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding PBIS at Euclid Middle School, please contact:
Bryan McCrystal, Asst. Principal
Awards & Recognition
2023- 2024 Bronze Award for PBIS implementation Tier 1 and Tier 2