We are experiencing a power outage at most of our schools. We are in contact with the power company to determine the extent and estimated duration of the outage. We will communicate with you as we learn more. We will finish the school day with normal dismissal procedures.
5 months ago, Euclid Schools
TODAY IS THE DAY! We're looking forward to seeing everyone at Euclid Community Stadium this afternoon for this once-in-a-lifetime experience! We have plenty of glasses to give out so everyone can view the eclipse safely! #OneEuclid
11 months ago, Euclid Schools
Euclid Eclipse Festival
No School April 8th
Safety is the number one priority when viewing a solar eclipse! It is not safe to look directly at the Sun without eye protection! Stop by Euclid Eclipse Fest on Monday to get a free pair of eclipse viewers so that you can safely experience this rare phenomenon! #OneEuclid
11 months ago, Euclid Schools
Solar Eclipse Safety
We made it to the Final Four of the Browns Stay in the Game! Social Media Competition after an intense Elite Eight! Now we need your help to advance to the Championship! Vote for the Panthers now on Twitter at https://twitter.com/SITG_Browns/status/1775966755669577962 #OneEuclid
11 months ago, Euclid Schools
Final Four
We've officially advanced to the Elite Eight of the Browns Stay in the Game! Social Media Competition after winning with 72% of votes! Now we face off against Parma Schools to advance to the Final 4! Vote now on Twitter at https://x.com/SITG_Browns/status/1774877361856504307?s=20
12 months ago, Euclid Schools
Elite Eight
Browns Stay in the Game Social Media Competition Rules
We've moved on to the Sweet 16 of the Stay in the Game! March Madness Tournament. We need your help to get to the Elite 8! Voting opens at 3:00pm today and goes until 9:00 tomorrow evening. All you have to do is follow @SITG_Browns on X (Twitter) and vote for Euclid! #OneEuclid
12 months ago, Euclid Schools
Stay in the Game March Madness Competition
The Easter Egg Hunt has been moved indoors to the Indoor Track! Come to Euclid Community Stadium and our students will help direct you to the Indoor Track! #OneEuclid
12 months ago, Euclid Schools
Easter Egg Hunt Moved
Make sure to stop up to Euclid Community Stadium tomorrow at 11:30 am for some pre-Easter fun! Rain or shine! #OneEuclid
12 months ago, Euclid Schools
Easter Egg Hunt
The Easter Bunny will be hopping into Euclid Community Stadium on Saturday, we hope you can join us! #OneEuclid
12 months ago, Euclid Schools
Easter Egg Hunt
Reminder! There is NO SCHOOL for Euclid Students on Friday February 16th and Monday February 19th in observance of Presidents' Day! #OneEuclid
about 1 year ago, Euclid Schools
No School on 2/16/24 and 2/19/24 due to Presidents' Day Weekend
Due to the excessive snow predicted for the morning arrival and throughout the day, the Euclid Schools will be closed tomorrow, Friday, January 19th. There will be no school tomorrow. Currently, Friday’s after-school events and extracurricular activities will continue as scheduled. However, please look for further information from your child’s coach about possible cancellation. Please stay safe and warm during this winter storm.
about 1 year ago, Euclid Schools
Snow Day - January 19, 2024
The Euclid Schools will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17th, due to the projected windchill in the morning. There will be no school tomorrow. Currently, Wednesday’s after-school events and extracurricular activities will continue as scheduled. Please stay safe and warm during this cold spell!
about 1 year ago, Euclid Schools
Cold Day - Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Two pieces of good news: all students have been picked up and are on their way home. We're also told that the Police situation on 250th has been resolved. We look forward to seeing all of our students tomorrow morning! #OneEuclid
over 1 year ago, Euclid Schools
As the Police incident taking place on E. 250th is still an active scene, students who remain on buses will be transported to the Field House at Euclid Middle School where parents can pick up their student/s. Parents will need to bring a State ID or proof of custody to pick-up their child. The Euclid Middle School is located at 22555 Tracy Ave. Euclid, OH 44123. The Field House can be accessed via the Main Entrance to the school (Door 19). Please see the attached map to see a visual of the entrance. We will have two buses available on stand-by for any student who is unable to be picked up from the Field House.
over 1 year ago, Euclid Schools
Door 19 Pickup Map
Police have advised that the incident in the 700 block of E. 250th is an active scene and are asking everyone to please avoid that area.
over 1 year ago, Euclid Schools
We have been informed that there is an ongoing Police incident taking place in the 700 block of E. 250th St. Euclid Schools buses will not drop off any student within a two-street radius of that area until the situation has been resolved. Students with a drop-off location inside that radius will remain on their bus until we have received an ALL-CLEAR from Euclid Police.
over 1 year ago, Euclid Schools
REMINDER: Tomorrow (November 7, 2023) is a scheduled in-service day for Euclid Teachers. There will be no school for students. We look forward to seeing students back in classrooms on Wednesday, November 8, 2023. #OneEuclid
over 1 year ago, Euclid Schools
No School on 11/7/23 for Teacher Professional Development Day
Come out and join members of the Cleveland Crunch professional soccer team and Euclid Panther Soccer Team this weekend for a FREE post-season soccer clinic. Students in 3rd-8th grades are invited to learn footwork skills, teamwork, and strategy while having fun with the pros! Sign up for the clinic using the QR code or the link here: https://forms.gle/Ff1WbijZB6S8E1vn7 #OneEuclid #GoPanthers
over 1 year ago, Euclid Panther Athletics
Free Soccer Clinic Flyer
The Euclid Schools in partnership with Euclid Amazon, Operation Warm, Euclid Alumni, Euclid Hunger Center and the Kids' Book Bank are hosting a FREE Resource Drive this Friday from 4-6pm offering coats, books, and other resources families may need. Sign up using the QR code or Google Form here: https://forms.gle/5H1QUq6Jtf1Ue4z8A #OneEuclid
over 1 year ago, Euclid Schools
Holiday Resource Drive Flyer
Just ONE HOUR until Trick or Treat at Euclid High School starts! Get your best costume ready and kick-off Halloween weekend! Just $3 to enter, with all proceeds being donated to a non-profit supporting children! See you soon! #OneEuclid #HappyHalloween
over 1 year ago, Euclid Schools
Trick or Treat at Euclid High School