Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports
What is PBIS?
PBIS is an approach we use to establish the behavioral supports and social culture needed for all students to achieve social, emotional, and academic success. PBIS applies a three-tiered system of support and a problem-solving process to enhance the capacity of Arbor to effectively educate all students.
PBIS has been shown to be effective in:
Reducing discipline problems
Improving overall academic outcomes
Reducing bullying behavior
Improving social/emotional competence.
The three behavior expectations at Arbor are:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Ready to Learn
These expectations are taught to all students throughout the school year. There are rules and procedures for all areas of the building. Many of them can be found on the Arbor behavior matrix below.
How are students acknowledged for appropriate behavior at Arbor?
Students are rewarded for following the behavior expectations in the following ways:
Positive phone calls home
Referral-free events
Shooting Star Awards
All Star Awards
Classroom treats and parties
What happens when students demonstrate challenging behavior?
Teachers utilize proactive strategies in order to minimize the number of behavior errors. These strategies include reviewing behavior expectations, establishing classroom routines and procedures, pre-correcting students before infractions occur and establishing positive relationships with students.
When behavior infractions do occur, teachers are encouraged to use a continuum of consequences, including, but not limited to, the following:
Restorative conversations
Non-verbal cues
Loss of privilege
Parent contact
Written apology
Minor Incident Referral
The Behavior Management Flowchart below provides more information on the process and procedures for handling behavior errors at Arbor Elementary.

What special events are planned for students?
Throughout the School Year, we host All-School PBIS Celebrations and No Referral Celebrations every 6 weeks.
How can parents get involved?
Parents are welcome and encouraged to assist with PBIS implementation at Arbor. Some ways parents can get involved are:
Serve as a representative on the PBIS team
Assist with events
Discuss school-wide expectations with your student at home
Assist with developing community partnerships.
How do I get help if my child is struggling with behavior?
Despite our best efforts, students sometimes engage in negative behavior. If your student has received one or more office discipline referrals, and you are concerned about his/her behavior, please contact one of the staff members listed below. They are eager to help and are equipped to provide the necessary support for your student to be successful.
Assistant Principal
Velma Bell Clark | 216-797-6215 |
Family Liaison
DaLan Johnson | 216-797-6226 |
School Psychologist
Robert Norton (3-5) | 216-797-2939 |
Daniel Moratt (k-2) | 216-797-5354 |
Sierra Dixon | 216-797-6276 |
Whom do I contact?
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding PBIS at Arbor, please contact:
Lawanda Johnson, Principal
Devon Johnson, Director of Student Services
Awards & Recognition
Bronze and Silver for PBIS implementation of Tier 1 and Tier 2
PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory
TFI Tier 1 Scores:
2017 - 93%
2018 - 100%
2019 - 93%
2020 - 100%
2022 - 87%
2023 - 97%
2024 - 87%
TFI Tier II Scores:
2018 - 81%
2019 - 92%
2020 - 92%
2021 - 77%
2022 - 77%
2023 - 96%
2024 - 88%